Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Top 6 Strongest Attack on Titan Shifters 2015

This is my list for Top 6 strongest titans shifters, some of you guys may disagree and too normal becuse it's still my point of view, so if any of you have other different ranking for the titans, please dont hesitate to put it in comment below with argument!

1. Colossal Titan

In my opinion Colossal Titan is the strongest Titan we've seen so far, so freakin' huge and terribly strong.

2. Armored Titan

Although he is heavily armored, fast and strong I think that he would lose in a 1vs1 against the Colossal Titan so I put him on the second place.

3. Ape Titan (Beast Titan)

Not much is known about this Titan, he is quite "new" in the story but he seems to be physically very strong (throwing pieces of the wall at a castle far away) and the smartest Titan to have appeared yet (he's the only one to speak the human language and he can somehow control "normal" Titans).

4. Female Titan

hardening ability and beating the Rouge Titan in 1vs1 battles..

5. Rogue Titan

He can go really mad and unleash all of his power to maximize damage and destruction.

6. Dancing Titan 

Probably the weakest Titan Shifter we've seen so far, compared to the other Titans this one is quite small and doesn't seem to be very powerful.

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